Thursday, July 31, 2008

Mount Buller

I wasn't expecting to see snow in Australia, but viola, Mount Buller is snowing! At first, news reports about Mt Buller not snowing this July because of climate change and global warming dominated the media, much to our disappointment. In the end, we got the chance to see real snow!

I had to wake up at 5am in the morning to board the bus to Mt Buller, and knowing my sleeping patterns very well, I opted to stay awake the entire night. It was a 3-hour drive from Melbourne to Mt Bullet, and when we got to Mt Buller, snowflakes were falling from the sky!!!

Pure, white snow blanketed the entire Mt Buller! I heard the snow had fallen to 20cm deep! We were all freezing cold, and everyone went through a mummification process by wrapping themselves up in bundles of layer. Maggy called me a "Spongebob Squarepants" when she saw me wearing a thick, waterproof jacket. Great. I not only felt like an idiot, I looked like one too.

We took a bus up to Mt Buller, the temperature for the day was minus 4 degrees, the ground covered in layers and layers of thick snow. I'm glad we had opted for the sightseeing tour, because I wasn't really in the mood for any sort of sport exercise ie. skiing in this freezing cold climate.

The mist clung to the sky like a gauzy fabric, creating this ethereal and unwavering glow and occassionally, disphanous fickles of snow fell from the sky to everyone's excitement, blanketing the entire Mt Buller with pure, white magic!

Most people come to Mt Buller to ski, but we come
to Mt Buller to take photos. So, while everyone else was busy changing, preparing their skiing equipment and attending the skiing lessons, we were very happily camwhoring.

Maggy and Me in front of the clock-tower

It was so cold, and I couldn't keep my eyes open because wind and snow kept blowing into my eyes!

Mt Buller's alpine environment

We were busy taking photos when suddenly, someone skiing crashed into us. Not surprising, one guy's ski even crashed all the way into my bag placed on the ground, filling my entire bag with snow. I had to help him lift his ski out of my bag. So, the girl who crashed into us and fell onto the ground remained there for the next 5 minutes, simply because she couldn't get up! In the end, Mon and Me each took one side of both her arms, and hoisted her out of the thick piles of snow.

Sidenote: All skiiers are required to sign an indemnity form in advance, so that Mt Buller does not have to take any responsibilties in the case of accidents.

Pictures time!

This very, very cute creation of a snowman, which has green leaves for hair and twigs for arms, consummated with a heart drawn deep into the snow. I'm guessing the artists behind this creation must either be a very sweet couple or a bunch of romantic die-hards.

Evidence of the cold? My camera died on me several times.

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