Monday, July 21, 2008

the brevity of misery

I've learnt not to make the same mistakes again, not to harvest the same regrets again. Instead of commiserating over the lost friendships, I should cherish the ones I have right now. It is okay to miss those who were once close to me, it is okay should distance draw our relationship apart, I should never let unhappy thoughts overwhelm me or compensate for the missing jigsaw puzzles in my life. I do indeed realize that sometimes we get so consumed by certain things happening in our life, that we forget that God sees the bigger picture. An ending of any relationship is just a beginning of a new one. A dollop of misery is just to provide a contrast to the blessings to pour your way. I do believe that any situation can only get better.

Had a good chat with Han today, about life, God, sex, virginity, relationships, unhappiness, happiness, emotions. There is just something so edifying about chatting with her, a releasing and a pouring out of emotions. Certain emotions and certain situations that I probably wouldn't even think of encroaching to some of my closest friends, it comes so easy for me to talk about all of it in front of Han. Lying naked all my emotions, the pain, the rejection, the hurt, about forgiveness. Han never fails to encourage, inspire, put me in awe. It is perhaps this spirit that I look up to her for. She looks at me and tells me that the thing she admire me most for is my brave soul, my courageousness, my daringness, my perseverance, my unwillingness to give up without a fight. She sees in me what others don't, and it is this force that propels me forward, that ensures me that there is someone out there who notices. Han is truly a God-sent, and I'm so glad to have her as one of my closest friends.

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