Tuesday, July 15, 2008


I sent my friend off today, the very last place I saw her was the very first place she first brought me to, which I still remember was at a time when I was very new to Melbourne, and she was like an oasis to me.

I don't think I've seen her best friend S looking so upset before. She still struggled to smile when she saw me, but the beautiful smile I had grown so accustomed to wasn't there, the smile that I once told her was so very very beautiful and never failed to brighten up anyone's day. The same smile that an acquaintance once commented no matter how sad she was, she would still continue smiling. Gone.

I opted for my way of saying goodbye, no hugs, just simple words, a goodbye wave and a turn on my heels. This is my way of saying goodbye, for her saying goodbye means a hug, she has learnt the Aussie way of open affection.

Life will go on. What I hadn't expected was that I feel much more horrible than I had ever meant to be.

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