Monday, July 21, 2008

laugh at myself.

I must be the biggest idiot on this planet.

I just sat in on a wrong lecture for an entire hour, and only realized it an hour after the lecture was over.

First, I enrolled in the wrong course module, and ended up having to literally beg the lecturer to take me in, and now this.

So, there I was rushing into lecture late, taking my place in the second last row, taking the hand-outs given by the lecturer, and thinking to myself why the hell there were so many unfamiliar faces (given that this module was a continuation of last year's semester), and so many new people whom I've never met before. Looking at my hand-outs, there I was, wondering why the school had been so irresponsible in not informing us about a change in course code and name.

...and, sometimes, I wonder whether I left my brain at home.

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