Tuesday, July 31, 2007

How nice if my dream job is to be a toilet cleaner

As if there is another reason to hate the country that I grew up in, that is, a drought in the availability of my dream career!

I'm thinking how nice if my dream career is to be an accountant or sales engineer. Or even garbage collector. Come to think of it, even toilet cleaners have better opportunities at getting a job than me.

You know I'm desperate enough when...

(i) I went to find out if they were hiring at the company where I did my internship. No, you did not read wrong, it's the place that I swore never to set foot in ever again. But, I quickly reconciliated myself to the fact that I don't have much of a choice!

(ii) I started telling people that I wanna work for free.

Usually, the person's response is a long silence at the end of the phone, before they start thinking that I'm a mad person and should get my brain checked or something. Seriously, money is over-rated in this society can?

Before you idiots start saying about how I don't have to worry about money yadda yadda bullshite, just smack yourself or something. Because I've been getting ZERO allowance and I couldn't care less. My choice of luxury food is KFC, my kind of branded is shirts going for $10 at pasar malam. Actually, come to think of it, I haven't gone shopping for the past few months, or is it, years? And KFC is what I said it was, a luxury, not something I can afford on my whim and fancy.

So, I can't stand motherfuckers out there who think as though there is an ATM machine in my house i.e. My Dad that I can withdraw money from as and when I like. I've been jobless for weeks now, and if money really mattered so much to me, I could have just stuck to my job and come out more than a thousand dollars richer.

Why should I? I will never let myself become a slave to money, like everyone else out there. If I really can't find my dream job, I think I will rather remain jobless.

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