Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Online Scam or Legal Money-Making Business?

Home Typist/Data Entry
Earn up to $300 -$500 per week!

The above words screamed out to me from my computer monitor. Now to a jobless person like myself, this is a job offer that is worth salivating over. Which I did.

The lure of 'working in the comfort of my home', having something to do to occupy my time and earn some income while waiting for my dream job to drop into my laps (if ever) was too strong an offer to resist.

So, immediately I replied, expressing my strong interest in taking up the job. Almost immediately, I received a reply, stating that I had to first pay $25 for the training materials before I can start on my job.

Of course, I was skeptical! I may be a dumbass, but not a dumbass with zero common sense (I have maybe like 35% common sense).

But, what convinced me finally was the rational behind having to pay $25 first to begin. It states that no business can afford to provide free training materials to any tom, dick and harry who decides to enquire about this job offer. (If you read on, you will later realize that this is a scam! Well, in a way!) And, so I paid the full amount. Now, that explains the 35% common sense.

And, so, I received the training materials the following day, and was excited to begin on my new job! Home Typist/Data Entry? Bullshit!

What this job actually is is an ad placement job. What it requires me to do is to post up the exact same job posting that I chanced upon on numerous free job placement sites. Which creates a pyramid-like sort of money-making scam legal business.
If you are really curious, they did include some clause fished out from the law book, down to the very numerical digit and clause page no, which means that this is a totally legit money-making business.

I say this for the millionth time, my brain works at the speed of a snail, so any thoughts of scam was brushed out of the window and my mind very quickly adjusted to pleasant thoughts to 'Oh! Such a clever money-making business strategy!'

And, so I quickly post up numerous job postings on numerous free job posting sites. I worked very very hard. Basically, I was lazy and slacked a lot and ended up working maybe four hours over three days. It states that if one were to work part-time, one could earn up to $200-$300 a week, and $400-$500 if one is working full-time. I was neither here or there. At the end of one week, I had posted in over twenty websites and received over twenty replies.

Well, just to give you a rough idea, a normal email reply to an interested applicant goes something like this:

[Heavily Edited; the actual email is actually much longer than this]
This job is great for anyone who wishes to work in the comfort of your own home! There is no calling or selling. And, this is legal way to make money! All you need is a computer, and possess basic skills like typing and know your way round the internet.

The amount of money you earn depends on the number of orders you process. To begin, you must transfer a sum of $25 to XXX, which is the cost of the training materials It states that no business can afford to provide free training materials to anyone who decides to enquire about this job offer.

Then, this morning I received a scathing email to my shock. (Well, to be totally honest, I saw it coming.)

[Original Email; Unedited]
As much as I wanted a job, like the one you posted, I can't afford to pay you no matter how "small" the amount can be. I am looking for an honest extra income and not spend money over something I am not even earning yet. If you based the sincerity of my interest in your job posting through the SGD $25, I am hurt. I hope you understand.

I was furious, so I sent her back a reply email:
As much as I'm not obliged to reply to you, I am. To be honest with you, this is an ad posting legal money-making business. This means like you, I was once the receiving end of such an email that I sent you previously. And, upon sending the money, I receive the set of instructions, in which I post the ad up to make money. There, I have given you the 'secret' of this business even though I'm not supposed to. This means you don't even have to pay me the $25 and you can start making money by posting the ad up. Sounds great? (:

Have a nice day and wish you luck in making money!

p.s/ This is an honest money-making business. As much as I hate to measure the sincerity of your interest through the SGD $25, it's the only way I make money. Just like you. Which also means that you wouldn't want to use this method to make money now, would you? Otherwise you would have just labelled yourself as a dishonest businesswoman, when really, you are 'just looking for an honest extra income'.


To be honest, I felt a tinge of guilt after sending this email, but I struggled to retain my own dignity, which was slowly dissolving in the midst of accepting this job and then seeking to regain back the original sum I paid.

Was what I was doing legal? Moral-free? Somehow, accepting this job was like buying something with a GST price tag, and the GST was the guilty conscience that came with it.

I discussed this with a friend of mine. And, she stated clearly that this was not a REAL job, this was merely a vicious cycle, people are not getting paid to do any REAL work, but getting paid for 'cheating' others.

Perhaps, I knew this inside me all along, but I just needed someone to come out and just tell me honestly that this is not the right way to do things. ]

I guess I just wanted to make back the $25 I lost, but now upon retrospective, I would rather forego making back that sum of money and retain my own dignity and conscience.
I wouldn't want a fellow human being to suffer the same fate as me of having to question and perhaps a feeling of getting cheated, since the actual job was nothing close to what was stated.

It's so ironic. By, being honest with that lady who sent me the 'hurt' email, I was trying to retain my diginity. Not, knowing that I had already lost it all.

When I got back home, it was with trepidation that I checked my email. I was half expecting to receive an email from the lady scolding me after my very frank admission. To my amazement, this was what was awaiting me in my inbox.

Thank you for your honesty and the information you just provided. It's not that I doubt the legitimacy of your business. It's just that I was disappointed knowing I had to spend money before earning any. There are many people, just like me, who want to earn extra money, for whatever purposes they may have, only to find out they have to invest first. I hope you get what I meant. Anyway, I still thank you for the information and honesty. As for your method of making money, I think I'll pass. I'm sure I still would find home-based/work from home jobs.

So, as you can see, she appreciates my honesty, but doesn't agree with my 'method of making money'. To be honest, I also don't agree to my method of making money.

With the lady's email and my friend's reply in place, I knew just what I had to do. Up till now, I had received ONE very, very interested applicant J who was willing to fork out the $25 for the job, not knowing that she was like a lamb sent for the slaughter.

I sent J this email:

Dear J,

I regret to inform you that the position for Home Based Typist/Data Entry has been filled.

If you have already transferred the funds, please do not worry as I will return the full sum to you thru funds transfer. Please acknowlegde receipt of this email.

Thank you for your interest and have a nice day! (:

Immediately after sending this email, I received a few more enquiries on this job post. My email changed from as above to this:

Hi, thank you for your interest in Home Typist/Data Entry. I regret to inform you that the position has been filled. Thanks.

Even though I lost $25, my heart is at peace. It was a small price to pay for a valuable lesson. I now officially conclude that my common sense has gone up by one percent. (:

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