Sunday, May 13, 2007

poseurs and their cobwebs of lies

Banner of idol's big poster face put together after many days? Check. Priority queue tickets? Check. Album? Check. Kids? Check. Check. Check.

Well, it sure seems like mothers' newest accessory that comes handy during any autograph or meet-the-fans sessions are - nope, not umbrellas, fans or water bottles - but KIDS. Yes, you heard me right. KIDS.

I would like to specifically pinpoint a certain mother who never fails to being along her BABY to the promotional activities of Taiwanese male artistes and boy bands.

Well, nothing wrong with bringing your baby. Even more nothing wrong with carrying your baby while queuing in line for three lengthy hours waiting to get your album signed by your idol(s). Nothing wrong that you are the only one in the queue carrying an additional wailing/screaming human being in your arms, and trying to pacify him by cooing to him 'O-McDonalds Had A Farm...'

There's absolutely nothing wrong with the mother's actions in all the above. Even if there's anything vaguely out of place, it surely doesn't burgeon into territories which affect other people around her.

What's wrong is that this very wise mum used her son as the 'passport' to gain rights to request for a photo taken with her idols.

Usually, the DJs present at the event are also taken in by this deceit spun through sympathy rights, unsuspecting DJs therefore unknowingly get manipulated by the cobwebs of lies and deceit.

They will normally say something like this as a form of persuasion, 'Can anot, (insert celeb's name)...This mum...who has been queuing up for hours in the hot, hot sun with her baby...very tiring, it's not easy...She requests to take a photo, is that alright with you?'

Usually, the celeb will politely, or rather forced to, oblige. Sometimes, this 'star baby' even appears in the media!!!

This is not right! Using your baby to manipulate celebs into taking a picture with you is NOT right.

This particular mother has, more than ONCE, used the very SAME baby BOY to get her mug or picture taken with the male celebs, and some have even been published.

Then, just some time ago, I attended a concert of a famous Taiwanese artiste. Halfway through the performance, she started giving away posters to the audience.

Well, this little girl who was seated in the front row, walked ALL THE WAY in front of the stage (just so to make sure she's conspicuous enough), and started bawling her eyes out!

She wanted the poster, and this was her way of getting it. Instead of shush-ing her up, her parents seemed to egg her on by their acquiescence. It appears that the parents' thinking were, 'If that crying can get her the poster, then by all means, do it!'

Expectedly enough, the artiste pityingly cooed, 'Oh, she's crying...' before walking closer to the girl and passing the poster to her.

The girl went back to her seat, pleased at her prized possession. But, I wasn't very pleased with her means of getting it. It's just not fair.

Well, anyway, guess what happened next? Not only did the parents encourage their child's act, it seems the media too!

A member of the media actually approached the young girl to have her picture taken with the poster. Oh, the irony of it all!

I'm positive the tagline for the picture wouldn't be anywhere near the lines of 'This little girl cried and got her poster.' More like, 'Oh, (insert star's name) has fans as young as 8, proof that her charm doesn't have any boundaries on age! This girl as young as 8 to a grand-father/mother of 80 years old also cannot escape her charm.'

And, what were the parents doing? Coercing their daughter to smile for the camera, and then standing beside her, smiling like proud parents, as though their daughter has just been awarded the Nobel Prize!

I say, blah to all the poseurs all there.