Thursday, May 17, 2007




哈哈,之前的文字只不过是个美丽的误会。我根本就是一个懦夫,并没有太大的勇气去面对。但是,我刚刚读完了一编感人肺腑的文章。文章里描写的是一个只不过二十岁就得承担失去两个好朋友男孩的痛苦。我这才意视到生命的脆弱与宝贵。不,应该说是这样的理论一直徘徊在我脑海的潜移深处。只是我做人太沉迷于自己了 (又有谁不是?〕,而太执著于自己的问题了,没办法把自己井底之蛙的理念抛到九霄云外,放眼看这个世界。用最简单,单纯的视眼去看这个复杂的世界。



A friend of mine once told me, 'The purpose of small obstacles and stumbling blocks in life are to insulate you from the bigger misfortunes in life. If those things didn't happen, you wouldn't still be standing here talking to me.'

I really feel like blinding myself to all the obstacles in my life right now. Because, it's palpable that all my problems are simply minuscule compared to the bigger things in life, and it's not worth a nuance of my effort to magnify my predicament. It's also unambiguous to say that by worrying, it means I still have a pulse, I'm still alive. And, that in itself, should be the biggest fortune bestowed upon me right now. The gift of life.

Haha, the above paragraph is just a beautiful misunderstanding. Because, the truth is, I'm just a weakling, I don't have the courage to face anything. But, I just finished reading a poignant piece of article, with its razor-sharp details of the pain and distress accumulated. In it, a 20-year-old boy talks about the pain of losing two close friends. I then glimpsed the fragility of life. Or should I say, that I've always known it all along? But, I've always been too self-absorbed and obstinate in my own problems (who isn't?), unable to rid myself of my 'frog-in-the-well' ideology, to see the world with bigger eyes (not, literally). To view this complicated world with the most innocent eyes.

The last thing I want to say is this: No matter how beautifully crafted an article is, a good article will always be defined by an audience. The spotlight of the audience is what breathes life and meaning into these words. Otherwise, it's just a string of alphabets pieced together.