Friday, August 17, 2007

I flunked the interview

OK. Right.

Take a deep breath.

So, I wasn't really expecting such a grand setting. No big deal, right? RIGHT? RIGHT?!!

As I sat down at the area I was being escorted to, I saw all these huge meeting rooms with very professional-looking people inside them. And, I saw not one feet, or two feet, but looks like a whole room full of people! Gee, I wasn't expecting such a grand interview...

'Hi, are you here for the interview?'

I swerved my head round, and a lady in black overalls was peeking her head out of the room. A much smaller room. Phew.

So, I walked in, and saw not one, not two, but three women. Gosh. What had I expected? I don't know, maybe a two-year old toddler interviewing me?

This is what I think of today's interview. I think I did pretty well, I demonstrated my passion aptly, and I managed to answer most of the questions with a breeze of confidence and flamboyant grandstanding. In short, I don't think they are going to hire me.

So, I was preparing myself for all the grand and outstanding questions, which was why I totally didn't see 'What is your favourite Channel 8 drama?' coming my way. AT. ALL. And, I only managed to retain the bare minimum of dignity during the interview. Which is not good. At. All.

The key point I would like to make about today's interview is


Here are some highlights of the interview questions and of course, my dumb answers as well.

Do you watch Ch 5 and Ch 8 dramas?
Yes. (OS: Just don't ask me to name any)

So, what is your favourite Ch 5 and Ch 8 dramas?
(Oh, shit, oh shit, oh shit!!! WHY DIDN'T I WATCH MORE TV!!!!) Erm...erm...(after a very very long pause) My favourite Ch 5 drama would be the one with Adrian Pang and....
(OK, don't panic. Don't panic. What's her name?) Jessica...Huang.
(looks up to see blank faces)
...(OK, I KNOW the name of this show. I watched every single episode of it on Crunchyroll. Damn it! What is the name of that show?!!)

Oh, Parental Guidance!
Ahh, yes yes! (Smiles) (Never thought Crunchyroll would be so useful for an interview) (Swears to watch more dramas on Crunchyroll)

So, you watched Ch 8 dramas too?

So, what is your favourite Ch 8 drama?
(I'm dead meat. Why didn't I watch my Fann Wong show!!!!!! ARGHHH!!!) Erm....erm....(after a very very very long pause, finally) Stepping Out.

Why is it your favourite show?
Because it has a good script, and very strong casts. I think a good storyline and good actors and actresses are what makes a show successful.

Do you have an idol?
(Okay, I have no idea why they asked me this but I swear it is NOT because I couldn't stop talking about my worship of idols during the interview) Er, yes, I have many.

Elva Hsiao. And, if you're talking about local artistes, it would be Fann Wong.

Who do you think would make a good interviewee currently?
Quan Yifeng. I think that for an interviewee, she gives very newsworthy answers. Because she doesn't really keep her private affairs out of the public eye.

Why would Quan Yifeng talk to you rather than say, an experienced reporter from XXX?
Simple, she wouldn't. Well, of course a reporter from XXX is more experienced, whereas for a newbie like me... (OK, this is not going the way I want it to be)...(Quickly changing track) I think the most important thing for me to do would be to put her at ease-

How would you put her at ease?
Well, before I even begin on the actual interview, I would just chat with her normal and routine everyday things.

As you know, there is a rampant paparazzi culture in Hong Kong. Do you think Singapore's paparazzi culture would match up to theirs?
Well, I do think there is a paparazzi culture locally. For example, reporters recently staked out overnight at Fann Wong's house, and they even took pictures of where she lived...but of course, the local media don't go to such a far extent compared to the paparazzi in Hong Kong.

If I were to ask you to stake out three nights over at Fann Wong's house, would you be willing to take up such an assignment?
(OMG OMG YES, YES! I WOULD LOVE TO!!!) Well, er...yes. That would be very exciting.

(Eyeing me suspiciously) Have you done that before?
(quickly), no, of course not. (Tsk tsk, what gave them the idea? Surely it CANNOT be that my worship of idols is SO evident?!!)

How would you get scoops on celebs?
Firstly, I would do my background research on them, maybe find out more about them from fellow journalists? (Interviewee OS: Then, why would we even need you in the first place?) Get info on the places they usually hang out at, filming schedules etc etc. And, then, I don't know, maybe like what you suggested, stake out overnight at their houses? (HA. HA. I AM SO FUNNY.)

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