Thursday, August 23, 2007

My house is haunted

The Ghost-O-Meter (if there is one) would probably be at an alarming blinking red state this Seventh Month.

Worse thing is that as though there aren't enough ghosts in my house already, the Chinese ghost festival has just laid out a red carpet to welcome more into my home.

Needless to say, the spiritual encounters in our house has reached an all-time high.

So, I was sleeping last night, when I was awoken by a faint knocking sound. Two knocking sounds at my door. I awoke with a start, my eyelids flicking open, only to be greeted with a deafening silence, a vast difference from the faint thumping of my heart.

Knock. Knock.

Again. Knock. Knock.

There's only so much you can blame it on the wind, you know? Especially when the weather outside is relatively peaceful and all our doors and windows are tightly shut. Once, when my sister alerted me to this, I brushed it off with disregard.

'It's probably just the wind hitting against the door or something.
I hear it all the freaking time.'

To which, my sister stoutly replied:

'It's not! It's the sound of someone trying to get in.'

And, yesterday, (not for the first time, mind you) I heard it. It was the sound of someone trying to get in. It's the exact same sound of someone banging their fists against the door, and it continues with an astounding repetitive mode, that the wind is not capable of.

Did I also mention the time when I heard the door knob turned, and when I finally opened the door, there was no one outside?

Oh, it's probably just your sister trying to play a prank on you.

You think?

My sister was fast asleep in the other room, and it took me quite a hell lot of effort (which basically involved vigorous shaking on my part) to wake her up. And, my parents swore that it wasn't them.

So, again and again, the knocking persisted as I lay frozen in my bed, listening to the precise rhythm of knocking on my bedroom door.

The terror that resided inside me was very real. There was someone at the door. And, whatever it was, it wasn't human.

After a while, I decided to try out a little experiment. Our good buddies from the netherworld are afraid of light, aren't they? I know, because I watch TV.

As swiftly as I could, I reached into the dark and flicked the lights on. The bright buttery yellow light that poured into my room was a welcome respite.

And, miraculously...


I spent the rest of the night sleeping with the lights ON.

Some of the more trite horror stories happening right in my home, (which may I add, is a breeding ground for buddies from the other world) include footsteps in the middle of the night (no prizes for guessing whose; hint: It wasn't human), a baby's cries in the middle of the night, feelings of extra 'presences' in the room (for example, AS I'M TYPING THIS), strange knocking sounds IN the room at 3am in the morning, ETC ETC.

And, just to pooh-poohed anyone's claims that ghosts only emerge when dusks falls (Come on, professionals have confirmed that they are all around you in the morning as well), here is another hair-raising story.

Just this morning at 6am, my sister was in the bathroom when she FELT A FINGER TOUCH HER TWICE. ONCE ON THE ARM. AND ANOTHER TRAILING DOWN HER BACK.

Who says miracles don't happen?

The fact that I haven't moved house yet IS a miracle.

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