Thursday, October 05, 2006

6th Global Chinese Music Awards Press Conference

The press conference kick-started off with a slideshow presentation detailing the previous Global Chinese Music Awards (GCMA) held at various countries like China.

Apparently, Singapore has the honour of being host to over 30 singers around the world, the first ever GCMA to conjour a stellar constellation of such major proportions.

The 3th batch of attendees were also unveiled during the press conference held at the newly-opened pub, St James Power Station.

Names included homegrown artistes such as Jocie Guo, Project Superstar alum Chen Weilian; Beijing singer Jin Sha; and Andy Lau.

The purpose of this press conference was to unveil the trophy design for this year's GCMA, and they had the privilege of inviting Stephanie Sun to grace this very special event. Over 100 members of the music industry and businessmen, as well as screaming hysterical fans, bore witness to the unveiling of the trophy.

Stephanie Sun was the first ever artiste to earn bragging rights for having carried the trophy in her hands. She also revealed that many times, she was unaware of the whereabouts of the trophies she had won, as they are usually placed with the host country first, following which she failed to see them again.

Adoring fans of Stephanie Sun present her with a box full of mooncakes, then proceed to turn on their smiles for the flashing camera lens.


Some things I found out about Stephanie Sun's fans:

1) They are mostly female.
Perhaps, Sun's sun-kissed image does not go very well with male fans, who made up a very small portion of her fans who attended the event.

2) They come prepared. Too prepared.
They had their pens, customized notebooks boasting Sun's smiling mug on the covers, digital cameras and a gung-ho attitude with them. Immediately after the event, I saw a group of fans (mostly or all fan club members) gather around a mini-van which they presumed was the same van Sun came in. They hung around the van for about an hour or so, dealing with false alarms where security guards went into action opening doors for deliverymen, until finally...


If you thought they were going to pack up and leave disappointedly, think again. Immediately, their paparazzi instincts came alive and they started accosting Yes933 DJs for the whereabouts of Sun. They got replies like a shake of the head and a "I have no idea, don't ask me."

3) When Stephanie Sun isn't around, they turn their camera lens on unsuspecting familiar faces.
The most immediate victims?
Yes933 DJs.

4) They are teenagers, therefore they have plenty of time to waste.
When it became apparently that the mini-van belonged to someone else other than Sun, they changed venue and continued waiting. What can I say? Most looked like they were below 17, and had a whole lifetime ahead of them. I'm positive senseless time-wasting is all part and parcel of growing up.

Afternote: The last thing I would like to say is that I was the only non-Stephanie Sun fan around. Which was probably why I seemed oddly out of place among the screaming hysterical fans.

God, to the unknowing stranger, I must have seemed like a rabid Stephanie-Sun obsessed fan who spent over an hour waiting for her idol. But, really no, I'm just an on-looker. And a celebrity-obsessed teenager.

1 comment:

steffya said...

my flight is on 11th...20 bucks cheaper than 10th. ^^
keep updating!