Friday, October 20, 2006

Love At First Sight Can Take Place Anywhere

When I was the young, naive child of yesteryear, I truly believed in love at first sight.

Call me cynical, but when I grew up, I stopped believing.

Because, like some others, I realized that love at first sight almost always came with a price tag - looks. Show me someone who had "love at first sight" with a fugly person, and I will kick and punch the bloody lying asshole.

Hence, I later came to the perception that love at first sight was simply superficial, because the instant attraction to a total stranger could almost and only come from the other party's appearance or image, since that is the only ingredient that is immediately apparent. Understanding character takes time. Instant gratification for infatuation or love may be the only formula for immediate attraction.

Love at first sight sometimes takes place when a certain feature of a stranger catches the eye of another and memerizes him or her thoroughly. This could be the person's hair, mouth, EYES, legs or figure. Usually, the feeling is not mutual, and one is usually cynical or suspicious of the motives of a stranger hitting on them (Could it be a dare from his friends?).

Well, my friend got hit on by a fellow schoolmate in the school canteen yesterday.

Apparently, he walked right up to her and introduced himself. One could have mistaken him for a guy who had just walked into an interview for his job application. Or a prospective son-in-law who was meeting his fiance's parents for the first time. He was rattling off details about his own personal info, and bugged my friend for reciprocation in the form of her name, telephone number etc.

I was immensely intrigued by the bravado of this total stranger. He looks pretty much like a decent chap to me, and I suspected this wasn't his normal routine of picking up girls.

After the brevity of their conversation, I was curious to find out more. So, I asked him,

"You like her?"

His immediate reply. "Yes."

"So, how long have you been noticing her?"

"A while. I've been noticing her for a while now."

Curiously, 'a while' could have meant two years or two minutes. I finally settled for the former, but my friends later duely informed me it seemed like the latter.

Gasp! Love at First Sight!

Apparently, it was love at first sight for my friend's parents as well. Her father had taken one look at her mum and decided she was the one he wanted to marry. So, he chatted her up, even though she wasn't very interested at that time.

"So, what do you like about her?" I further enquired him.

Without any hesitation (In fact, his reply was quite hasty and he seemed a little nervous but doing a pretty commedable job at concealing his frayed nerves), he replied,

"Her eyes. I like her eyes."

Thanks to this guy, I suddenly developed an interest in my friend's eyes for the first time in over two years. She has very long eyelashes, and when she talks, her eyes tend to crinkle and sparkle and takes on an animation form with a childlike innocence (Of course, I know otherwise).

I warned her to be careful because her eyes have now officially become her weapon or main attraction to guys. Obviously, this friend of mine who has broken a few hearts in her lifetime (She's 19, btw), has no qualms about carrying on this full-time hobby of hers and breaking a few more hearts along the way.

This guy liked her for an eternity, and guess what she told me?

"I just treat him as a very reliable friend".

Do you know what happens when you have liked a person forever, and he or she tells you "I just treat you as my very reliable friend"?

You have two options. 1) You can either carry on living your life with your dignity shred into pieces or; 2) You can consider treating her as your very "reliable friend" which unfortunately, in most cases, do not happen.

It's a good thing my friend choose to tell me, you know.

Of course, after chatting with this affable and loveable chap for approximately less than two minutes [It doesn't take long to form a (biased) opinion of someone], I felt very sorry that I had to be the bearer of bad news. But, since I am such a good friend (everyone knows that, btw), I had to drop the bombshell.

"I'm sorry, but she's attached."

Which was a total lie. However, I must emphasize that a white lie is always far better than the blatant truth.

So, my dear friend, please bear this in mind in case you ever have the urge to tell a guy who has a thing for you straight in the face "I just treat you as my very reliable friend".

If all else fails, you can always pretend that my ear is the guy's, and tell me instead. I'm such a sucker for peace.

So, guess what was his reply?

"It's alright, man! Just be friends, you know. I'm not asking her to marry me tomorrow!"

During less than 10 minutes which made up the entirety of the two-way (sometimes, three-way, me being the kaypoh lightbulb) conversation, he said this at least 3 to 4 times.

"I'm not going to ask you to marry me tomorrow!"

Which is a very curious thing to note, btw, because (AHEM) marriage was on his mind perhaps throughout the conversation.

He finally let my friend off after he got her MSN. Poor guy, I feel kinda sorry for him, you know. He probably has his face glued to the computer screen 24/7 a day, and my friend finds it fit not to go online. (Ok, to be fair, her computer at home is spoilt, but there's always the computer at school you know. And, my friend just loves finding excuses for herself.)

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