Tuesday, October 10, 2006

The Niece from Hell

She's no god-given gift.

Adorable and cute at first sight, she's the ultimate devil and have no qualms at flexing her prowess for destruction.

She needs more attention that a lonely grandmother, and does not hesitate to converse her emotional needs and dependence for companionship by showing off her range of vocals which mostly consist of high decibels screams, combined with a penchant for making noise out of the most unexpected music instrument: her throat.

When she comes to visit, she expects the purple dinosaur to be showing on the telly at all times. If you were to attempt to switch channels other than Barney, she wouldn't think twice of showing off her talent of reaching that super high note.

You get so agitated that you wish you could kill the purple dinosaur and when he starts singing the familiar irritating tune of "I love you, you love me", you start feeling a whole lot of hatred feelings for the guy who created the purple dinosaur with the spare tyre.

She has a morbid obssession with Kentucky Fried Chicken. So much so that she's a member of the KFC Chicky Club, which promises to "spice up our programmes with a generous sprinkling of fun while still being educational."

I wonder how on earth can anything that has to do with a bunch of bawling kids, who shall turn on their vocal pipes anytime of the day like a time bomb, can the management termed "fun".

You may have heard of The Devil Wears Prada, but I'm damned sure that you are completely oblivious to The Devil Wears Diapers.

Well, it's a movie that plays whenever the 2-year-old niece is around.

Basically, it's a movie worth watching because not only do you get to see a devil prance around the living room in diapers, the devil takes on a special form of a 2-year-old child.

Sounds exciting, already?

Well, then go watch it.

If you've missed it, don't worry, there are re-runs every day.

*Ear plugs not provided.

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