Tuesday, September 23, 2008


I turned the door knob again. NO. This is not happening to me. It can't be. This must be a joke. All I have to do is to try again and the door will open naturally.

Unfortunately, my optimism (or rather, desperation) didn't help things one bit. So, great, this is what I get for being a hardworking nerd, staying in the uni computer labs until 11.30 at night to study. (Actually, it was because I was feeling guilty, because I had been busy having fun going out the whole week, and it's alright to have fun, but not when you have 3 major assignments due soon.)

So, great, now I was left with my wallet. My handphone, bag and everything else was locked inside the room. I immediately headed to the security centre and walked around campus for a while looking for any security guards. Drunkard teenagers strolling the streets peered at me curiously and then I was reminded that it was Friday. Who the hell stays in uni on a Friday night studying their ass off, except for a nerd like me?

Was beating myself up for being such a nerdy ass, before finally realizing that all I could do now was to make my way home and come back again early next morning to retrieve my belongings. And, then suddenly, a thought struck me like lightening, and I went, 'OMG, my house keys!!!'

And, that is the story of how I came to spend one night homeless, out on the streets, with no house to return to. Reduced to the same state as the other 23,000 homeless people in Australia, out in the winter cold, not catching a single wink, and returning home with panda eyes the next day.

Nay, kidding. Good thing I have a habit of leaving my house keys in my pocket, because I realized that people can steal your bag, but not your pants. Well, in most ordinary circumstances, that is.

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