Sunday, April 15, 2007

Life as a Social Hermit

For all of those uninitiated, I've found a full-time job.

Job Name: (Full-Time) Slacker
Job Scope: Slacking

It's the best job I've ever had, and I'm totally enjoying it!

Two weeks into the holidays and I realized I've adopted a cyclic pattern of hedonistic pleasures: eating, sleeping, shitting, reading gossip mags, watching TV serials with zero nutritional value and surfing the net.

Of course, not forgetting that the very special guest that just had to come knocking on my door just inches into the commencement of my holidays. In fact, the bundle came in a 3-in1 package: I had sore throat, cough and flu at different times of the week. And to think that I've been trying to get sick the whole bloody semester, and failed miserably!!!

In fact, the feeling of staying at home is a bit like eating McDonald's; it indulges in guilty pleasure. It feels good in the beginning, but at the end of it all, when the guilt (not to mention the cholesterol) sinks in, you ask yourself, "What have I done?"

I'm enjoying my time-out at home so much that I've been trying to push back all social appointments so that I can spend my, slacking at home. For example, I tried to push back my lunch appointment with dear NJ just because I didn't feel like exposing my skin to the exterior atmosphere. But, in the end, I still got to meet up with her! =)

(Btw, an outing out with NJ is akin to a binging session, and equivalent to 13 hours straight time-out on the sofa at home, munching on anything and everything you can get your hands on, so I would advise anyone who wants to shed kilos off their waistline not to go out with her! Oh no, she's gonna kill me for this!)

Hence, my life as a social hermit is a bit contradictory. Once in a while, I've managed to press the 'off' button on my remote control and shuffle my butt out of the house.

And the last time I had any initiative to call up a friend (please, I've been so lazy to reply to smses!) was at 1.30am in the morning, and she'd just returned from Taiwan. That was Friday the 13th.

Well, so how does this social hermit stay connected to the outside world? (please, I've been so lazy to reply on MSN because crunchyroll is just sooooo addictive!)

Well, apart from the occasional meet-ups with friends (hmm...that will be like twice in two weeks!), I stay very closely connected to what's happening in the celebrity world! The TV and magazines spoon-feed me with daily dosages of therapy to satiate my hedonistic pleasures.

I can sit in front of the TV from Monday to Friday, from 11am to 5pm, it's basically become my full-time job. Heck, even money can't move me at the moment! I'm just gonna sit around and wait for my reply, and if they don't reply..heck! They better.

Of course, there's always that ONE thing that never fails to get me scrambling out of my house!

Anyone care for a guess? Hint: It's famous.