Friday, November 24, 2006

Get A Room, Pls

So, you are single, happy, and you just want a peaceful night out with your girlfriends. You happily board the bus, and beep beep! your handphone rings. You reply to your friend's sms, and when you look up, a couple have boarded the bus and they are standing just right in front of you.

Something seems oddly out of place, and you turn to look down. The guy's hand is placed rather inconspicuously on the girl's bum, and they are flirtatiously displaying acts that centuries ago, belonged solely to the bedroom.

Since then, this tradition has walked out of the bedroom and into places like public transport and your friendly neighbourhood store. (Which makes it not so friendly anymore.)

So, my eyes had the very ill-fate of witnessing the above erm..indecent act. And, if that was not enough, the guy proceeded to remove his hand off the girl's butt....AND SLAP IT! After which, the guy smiled cheekily at the girl, who returned the favour with a nonchalent look on her face.

Just some time back, I boarded the MRT and there was a couple who were hugging each other tightly even before I entered the train. The girl was talking, and they looked like a normal couple having a conversation, until the guy started kissing the girl all over; her hair, her forehead, her nose, her ears, her cheeks, and about every inch of skin on her face. He did it continuously, all this time while the girl was busy talking.

Can you imagine?

Girl: And, oh hunny, (kiss nose) I was (kiss face) coming (kiss cheek) back from (kiss hair) the supermarket the other day (kiss nose, face, cheek and hair)...

I couldn't help thinking that they were so yang berani in a public area, what more if...?

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