Friday, September 21, 2007

SugerBabies & their SugerDaddies

There's a disturbing online phenomenon: girls selling sex for money.

Most are quick to admit that their deep love for money is what drives them to sell their bodies.

Some would go so far as to claim that they were driven to this path of no return, because they were forced by their financial situations.

And, if they weren't immersed in such "financial difficulties" and were born a rich man's daughter, they would not even consider to be in this line.

Their "financial difficulties" mostly refer to not being able to afford that $10,000 Prada Bag or keep up with their high maintenance lifestyle, tainted with late-night partying and booze; as well as, prop up their massive shopping sprees.

Most are really young, some as young as 17.

Why then at the innocent age of 17, when one should be at her most carefree, be overshadowed by her endless material pursuits, and let it determine her self-worth?

Let's not call them prostitutes, they are worse off, because most of them get cheated of their "money". Which directly translates to having sex for free.

How can the mindset of a 17 year-old match up to the quick-witted, callous, and sly thinking of, let's say, a 45-year-old lawyer?

These girls use the internet as their tool device to track down their "cash cows" - somebody whom they can milk for all they are worth. Money and a false sense of entitlement in exchange for sex.

Some admit they are doing it as a challenge against themselves. To find out how much they are worth. They lap up the attention and lust that the men are lavishing on them.

Whether or not you agree or disagree that they are eroding the very moral fabric of our society, these girls are very much a part of our integrated society.

They do exist, just that you don't see them. They could be your next-door neighbour's daughter, your classmate, etc.

Most don't show any signs of them prostituting themselves anyway, unlike the provocative dressing of the hookers competing for business at the red district.

Would you say they are a disgrace to our nation? That's like discrimination. Most don't grow up the normal way like we do, they grow up in messy households where their parents don't remain faithful to each other. Violence is often an issue as well, leaving emotional imprints on a child's heart, which leads them to their disillusionment later in life.

So, they grow up and they are generally disillusioned about love and life. They advertise their services on websites and flirt with guys online...How much do they get paid? Not very much, at least not enough to nourish their spending habits. They spend like crazy, they NEVER have enough money to spend, and this vicious cycle just goes on and on...

Why not instead of fixing their shopping habits, don't they fix their mindset first?

Most of their shopping habits are just whimsical fancies anyway, it is more important to find peace within themselves.

Very soon, their lifestyle will catch up with them, and those brief liaisons and sexual trysts whose sole purpose is to beef up their wallet (and corrode their soul) may not seem that worthy anymore.

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