Tuesday, July 04, 2006

为什么我那么喜欢追星 Part I

Why I enjoy chasing idols so much.

"They are just normal human beings, just like you and I!" A friend once said. Which is something I can totally relate to, what I don't understand is if they are normal human beings like me, how come:
1) At the age of 18, some have already earned their first million, and I am sitting at my computer typing this stupid entry while getting paid a measely $450 per month?
2) They have such perfect bodies (at least compared to the average mortal) and they seem to never have an inch of hair out of place?

I think they are 被捧在神台的地球人吧 !

Celebrity fascinates me. The dirt behind the gloss, the bitching, the catfights, and how despite their status, they still step out their front door to throw their garbage...and get shot by the paparazzi without their makeup on and their candid shots get sold to magazines and newspapers for a huge sum...holy cow! You see what I mean? There aren't any paparazzi hiding behind the bushes just around my apartment, waiting for hours just to get some snapshots of me coming out to throw my rubbish...no wait! I get it now, that's because I never leave the house to throw the garbage! 原来如此 !

Just because I'm famous, they expect my shit to smell like roses.


steffya said...

nice blog!!! this is ur best blog i've read so far, clean and clear!

And interesting! keep updating, ya! Jus love the olive background...

Anonymous said...

Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.