Friday, July 21, 2006

The route less taken

Two of my colleagues were discussing a plan. A major plan that could change their lives forever. They informed me about their plan before they decided to execute it. Here's their plan: To "kidnap" me, keep me occupied with some delicious food, then call up my father for ransom money. They were hoping for cooperation on my part, and told me I must not shout and they will buy lots of food for me to eat.

"Orh..ok lor!" I told them, "How much you planning to ask my Dad for?"

"Er..1 million!"

"Huh?! So little arh...!" I worth so little only meh..hehehe -_-

"Ooi! I help your Dad save money OK!"

"Orh..i see i see...ok."

Well, apparently, they decided on this plan after a round of confrontation to find out how much I was worth. One of our conversation went something like this...

"Eh...must be everyday at home, you eat shark's fin hor!"

"No lah! Siao!"

" meh? Then what?"

"燕窝 (Bird's Nest) lah!"


hehehe... -_-

* I will post pictures up soon! :))


Anonymous said...

Hey gal!
haha cant believed you actually posted this conversation. So pls give us a date to kidnap you can? I wanna earn my first million leh oh no i forgot still gotta share with wanzhen hehe
k see ya next week hor must fix a day for lunch or dinner I can go tpy central look for you guys see i sooo nice haha

cheryl said...

after serious consideration, i realized that i can't be kidnapped...coz you won't be able to meet up to the service standards I require, hohoho...
btw, we are not meeting up oredi leh...see you @ ur concert k!! and rmb to practice your vocals in the meantime~

Anonymous said...

Great site loved it alot, will come back and visit again.

Anonymous said...

I like it! Keep up the good work. Thanks for sharing this wonderful site with us.