Monday, July 31, 2006

My ambition is to be a, housewife!

Over two cups of bubble tea, my friend and I were talking about our ambitions.

Apparently, her ambition is to be a good housewife, to stay home and take care of the kids, because in her own words, "Family is first priority."

I said, "To be a housewife, you have to find a husband first to marry, right?"

To which, she agreed. She then said that her ideal marriage age is 24, 25, 26, 27, 28. By the age of 28, she die die must get married! Not surprising, coming from where she is, where girls usually get married before they hit 25.

"Because when you're 29, no man will want you!" She said.

She then told me she had a cousin who was 29 years old and still unattached. Afraid she would be left on the shelf, she requested for matchmaking sessions and some recommendations. Unfortunately, when guys knew her age, they didn't want her anymore.

It's a realistic world we are leaving in, baby! 男人是下半身思考的动物!In this way, girls will always be superior to guys. While girls tend to go for character in a guy, guys tend to go for looks in a girl! Hahaha! No choice, guys cannot help it but to be attracted to better-looking girls!

My friend was beginning to sound a bit presumptuous with regards to the degree of control she had over her future. So, I asked her, "What if at 24, you haven't met the right one. At 25, you still haven't met the right one. At 26, you have a boyfriend but he dumps you at the age of 28? What are you going to do? Are you going to go on your knees and go, "Oh, please, please. Don't break off with me because I die die have to get married by the age of 28!!"

Listen up! My friend's reply is that if she doesn't get married by the age of 28, she's prepared to become a nun. This coming from someone who places family as her first priority.

Is my friend really going to shave her head bare, read prayers from the Buddhist's teachings everyday in a temple, and close all eyes and completely detach herself from worldly concerns, her family, her friends, her career...I dread to think about the day when I have to climb up hills and hills of mountains to reach a temple with my friend inside and ask her, "Wanna go for a cup of bubble tea?" Only to have her completely ignore me.

So, anyway, she told me "yeah, because if she really becomes a nun, she would have to focus all her energies and be completely devoted to God and it's teachings." According to her, she asked permission from her mother, who replied, "Go ahead."

Now I know why my friend has such weird thinkings.

She doesn't even want to go for further studies anymore, because her ambition is to be a mother and a housewife. I asked her how she was going to survive in Singapore if she only has a diploma to speak of.

To which, she replied, "I won't marry a Singaporean. I've thought about it before, my husband will be an Indonesian...So, yeah, we can fly to Indonesia and carry on with our lives there. The living expenses there aren't so high."

Again. My friend talks about her future as though she already knows what is in store for her. As though she is her own freaking fortune teller. Even fortune tellers' predictions can go wrong.

My reply, "So, you start dating this Singaporean guy, and he brings you on a trip to Paris and proposes to you on the top of Eiffel Tower.

You tell him, 'Sorry, hunnyy, you are great. Really. Seriously. Honestly. It's just...just that you are a Singaporean. You see, I must marry an Indonesian..I really hope you understand, because my ambition is to become a housewife...' "

Really. Even though she's my friend, I wonder what goes on in that brain of hers sometimes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi bubble art..

this article is about me.. my ambition.. so i must comment on it rite?

although, i still don't know whether my wish will come true or not.. although everything in our life is unpredictable.. but still... my ambition is to be a good housewife.. waiting for my husband to come back from work, cooking dinner for the whole family (although i still dunno how to cook until now.. hahahha).., taking care of my children n most importantly, build a happy n loving family.. don't u think it is a great idea? but still.. i don't know whether my wish will come true or not.. if not, will i become a nun in the future? i don't know!! but i think both ideas are great.. hahhahahaha..

oo ya!! don't worry.. when i become a nun in the future, u can come n look for me.. i won't ignore u.. it is only that i cannot accompany u to go shopping or drinking bubble tea at the mc donald seat at tampines.. coz u haven't seen any nun seating at mc donald, drinking bubble tea rite? hahahahaha..

oo ya.. i still need to comment on some mistake on ur article.. it is not that i won't go for further studies.. but i still don't know until now.. if after my 3years of working, i feel that there is a need for further studies.. or maybe i have found a bf n i can't bear to leave him.. maybe by then.. i won't go for further studies.. since.. i don't intend to work after i have children.. but still.. everything is unpredictable.. so i still don't know whether my family will survive if i do not go to work.. if i must work after i get married, then i don't have any choice rite? hahahhahaha..

So, to conclude for my whole comment.. I DON'T KNOW. coz EVERYTHING IS UNPREDICTABLE.. but bubble art.. pray that my ambition will come true k? hahhahahahaha..
