Thursday, July 20, 2006

Is gayism the new love fad?

"If I were straight, I would have fallen for him."

Sounds familiar? Those are words straight from a lesbian's mouth. Apparently, the feelings that she had towards the guy, which was reciprocated, shook the relationship grounds that she shared with her girlfriend. I always thought that when it came to people of the same sex, the break-ups that occur usually wreck more havoc. She requested a break-up. Her girlfriend slit her wrists and even made a trip down to the school personally with the intent of confronting the guy. She ended up making a a scene. Tears were shed, anger reared its monsterous head and violence ensured. In the end, the girl choose to return to her girlfriend's side.

Some say they are just "confused". People who have been hurt in the past and lost their trust in the opposite sex. I once read an interview in which the reporter asked the interviewee why she started going steady with someone of the same gender. Her reply was that boys were not sensitive enough and they could not be bothered with the seemingly unimportant little details in a relationship. For instance, she said that when it came to "the time of the month", guys would usually try all means and ways to avoid going out with their girlfriends, since they become easily irritable and frustrated. On the other hand, a girl who faces the same problem, would understand where you are coming from.

Others are just born that way. Ever watched "Beautiful Boxer"? Well, I haven't, but it is the true life story of a young boy who, when once he was by the lake, came across a girl wearing a flower on her head. He thought it was very pretty and wanted to become just like her. He has an imbalance of hormones to thank for. He went on to become the first boxer ever to wear make-up and nail polish. In the same way that this transvetite (before sex change) feels he is a man trapped in a woman's body, the same goes for gays and lesbians out there. In the olden days people were more conservative and had to suppress the feelings (if any) they had for people of the same sex. But society is slowly opening up and changing that notion.

Thanks to Mr Ang, in a matter of a few months, Brokeback has become the new "in" term to refer to fellow human beings batting for the other team. Whether we like it or not, we have to accept the fact that in the modern age today, there is a new kind of relationship that exists, besides kinship, friendship and those between a boy and a girl.

Not surprisingly, this sudden emergence of this new group of people must be due to the fact of society being more acceptant and open to such behaviour. In the same way, I also feel that the media has a part to play towards society slowly opening up to this new love trend, since the media is an empowerment of sorts, and through writing or other forms of medium, is such a powerful tool to shape people's perceptions, towards what's normal and what's not.

Similarly, there has been a rising number of songs catering to the Brokeback population. A case in example is "如果的事 " sung by 张韶涵 & 范玮琪 (see below). In the MV, they are cloyingly affectionate, leading to the MV being banned in certain parts of China.

The song include suggestive lyrics like...



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