Thursday, June 19, 2008

Nicholas Cage in Melbourne

I thought that once I had planted myself in Melbourne, I would no longer be the celebrity-crazy fanatic who screamed at almost every celebrity who was coming to town, who spent hours researching on which celebrity was coming to town, who wasted precious moments of her life chasing celebrities when they came to town. No, I would immerse myself thoroughly in my studies, and not waste time on such superfluous activities.

Boy, how wrong could I get.

Got to know from a friend that Nicholas Cage would be in Melbourne to film his new movie, Knowing, just a block away from where my friend was staying.

Freaked out!

Don't misunderstand me. For one, I have not a single clue as to who Nicholas Cage is. What I do know for a fact is that the man is famous. And, that's all that matters, really.

Googled him and saw pictures of a middle-aged man staring back at me. Call me ageist, but second thoughts about whether the half-an-hour walking distance was worth it surfaced immediately.

Filming was to be held along Drummond Street on the 20 June from 7am to 7pm. Apparently, the filming was to be held at Melbourne University Hostel. Imagine the students living there!

I went down around late afternoon, and the entire stretch of road had been closed to vehicles. Pedestrains strolled along pathways that were lined with gargantuan white lorries and trucks. The behemoths are presumably props for the movie. I continue walking until halfway, I see a group of people huddled behind a big white truck. I stop.

There is a car crash scene. Smoke emanating from a black car that had 'crashed' into the sidewalk. Huge cameras on tripods casting blinding beams set up indoors. The entire street was littered with white and yellow papers, presumably from the 'explosion'. Even the naked trees whose leaves have been streaked bare by the winter season now had a whole new embellishment, streaks of paper dangling loosely from twigs, branches and a once less-than-balding crown. And the director shouting, 'Action!'

I see a middle-aged man coming out of the building. He is wearing a bright green vest and dull-coloured trousers. OMG! Nicholas Cage?! My heart skipped a beat. The man does bear some sort of resemblence to the Oscar-winning actor I had googled the night before. He is yawning now. In fact, he looks so unglamorous yawning, that I could almost positively be sure that he wasn't Nicholas Cage. Actors don't yawn like that in public. And, I was right. He turned out to be a staff from the filming crew.

I notice now that the girl standing in front of me has shreds of white paper all over her hair. I wonder how big an 'explosion' it must have been until I realized she was an extra. The girl and another guy standing in front of her were both extras for the movie. The guy holding onto a luggage. Casting my eyes to the street opposite, I see more of them. Extras huddled up behind big white lorries, their hands firmly fastened on to huge, colourful luggages.

A Chinese girl walks by. She is carrying two handfuls of groceries.

'Marc! Will you please stop the passer-by, please!' the director is yelling. The security guard in a bright green jacket halts the poor girl, who goes on to stand by the sidewalk. And, then, 'Action!'

I continue surveying my surroundings. It was so cool seeing the scene from a movie acted by Hollywood star Nicholas Cage real-life. Seeing it up-close was so un-reel-like and non-cinematic. I can't believe they can transform something that looks so 'normal' in real-life to something so glamorous on celluloid film.

In fact, I was so busy scanning my surroundings, that I didn't notice that a man had sidled up the walkway and was shaking everyone's hands now. The extras' hands, to be precise. I turn and look. The man was coming closer now, shaking everyone's hands. 'Who is this man?' I thought. 'He's really very friendly. He must be a really friendly staff member to come shaking the extra's hands and thanking them personally.' And, then the man's face loomed closer and I got to see his face much clearer.


THE MAN IS NICHOLAS CAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am stunned now. My legs can't move, and I know I am standing them stonily. Thankfully, I am still breathing. Nicholas Cage is moving closer now, shaking all the extras' hands, thanking them for their help today. I can only look. Until I realize, that I was about to be next. My heart thumping a million beats, and my throat dry, I begin rubbing my sweaty palms against my jeans. Cage is looking at me now. He is approaching me. OMG!! What am I supposed to do?!!!

Then a man stopped him. 'Excuse me, can I take a picture with you, please?' And then without waiting for a reply, sidled up next to Cage, and thrust his camera to the next nearest person in front of him. ME. 'Could you please help me take a picture?' he asked. I did. And soon Cage is resuming his shake-hands-and-thank-you routine again. I was so stunned when he shook my hands, and then still stunned when he went on to shake other's hands, that I totally forgot something very important. MY CAMERA!! I hadn't bloody carried it all the way for nothing!

I reached quickly for my camera in my bag. TOO LATE! Cage's back was turned now. Oh, but wait, there is a man running after him now! And them to my horror, the man tapped Cage on his back with what seemed a less-than-gentle tap. Oh, the horror! The presumptuous! That faintly reminded me of myself. He wants a picture. And Cage politely obliges. Then, just as Cage was again navigating his way around to the car's front seat, a lady rushes up to him with lightning speed. It is smile, pose, and then off he went! His car zooming off so quickly that I don't realize until long after the tires have screeched away, leaving behind a pile of swirling leaves dancing on the gravel pathway .

Drummond Street - Filming scene of Knowing

Car crash - Taken after smoke has been removed

Fan of Nicholas Cage happily pose for a picture with him

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