Friday, November 21, 2008

Korea - Day 2

Taken near Incheon River

We had spaghetti for lunch, YJ's mum is a really really great cook. Suddenly, YJ and I became very afraid because the both of us had been pigging out at home ever since the morning before, sleeping and eating and sleeping and eating, and doing little else. Not surprising, with the weather hitting as low as minus four degree celsius, all you wanna do is stay at home.

We finally got our arses out of the house and off we go to Incheon's departmental stores. The things there are freaking expensive, but they were having a one-day only 70% sale, which was a steal for the both of us.

YJ's dad drove us to Chinatown for dinner at this high-class restaurant. They had many car valets waiting to serve customers outside once they drive to the front of the restaurant, and hand over their car keys to the valets who would assist them in parking their cars. I had the best bowl of noodles in the world at this restaurant, called Zha Zha Mian, invented by a Korean restaurant a few doors away.

After dinner, YJ's dad drove us to the sea. Incheon (the city where YJ resides in) is a famous port area, so this is the place where goods are being transported.

I had a mini history lesson today about North and South Korea. The conflicts between the two countries first arised because of their ideological differences, largely due to their geograpical locations. N.K is situated near China and Russia, hence they have been greatly influenced by Communist ideals. S.K on the other hand is near Japan, whose values system follow the American model of democracy. N.K remains a very poor and closed nation, which has no interaction with the outside world. Their citizens are heavily brainwashed by the communist government, and they have a very narrow-minded perception of this world as they have little or no knowledge of what is going on outside N.K. They are not even allowed to travel outside the country because it is illegal! Those who attempt to escape by swimming across the sea to China are instantly shot dead if discovered.

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