Close-up of the Three Pieces of Rocks
Took a cable car ride down to the other side of the mountain.
Inside the cable car, there is this elevated platform that you can step on. And, once the cable car starts moving, the platform will become transparent, so you can see what's underneath!
The cable car brought us to the other side of the Blue Mountains, where we embarked upon a mini-trekking session to get to the various pit-stops.
The next destination was Featherdale Wildlife Park.
A rare sight of mother kangaroo with baby kangaroo in her pouch.
Remember my entry on the little penguins at Philip Island, and, that photos were strictly banned to prevent spoiling the peace and serenity that the penguins enjoy? Well, imagine my excitement when I discovered the Philip Island penguins at the wildlife park!!!! I became a trigger-happy tourist (:
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