Friday, September 28, 2007

the greatest human tragedy

Metallic skyscrapers, a generous cleavage view of the sea, the light blue skies and chunks of cotton-candy clouds that you yearn to take a bite out of, acres and acres of vast green chasms, valleys and mountains, and the majestic shipyard with its clout of impressive ship armies.

No, I'm not talking about a painting.

This is the view I see every day when I look out of my office window.

But, what I find even more amazing than this view is the fact that how there is such a magnificent sight just a glance away, and yet colleagues remain oblivious, eyes remain glued to their wired-up mechanical devices, otherwise known as computers, fingers furiously tapping away at their keyboards.

No one bothers to look up, no one takes time off to stop, look and stare in awe at the magical scene that both God and Man have created; the natural beauty and the man-made one, the picture-perfect juxtaposition of a scenery. I become the lone ranger in my lonely pursuits of admiring natural and man-made beauty.

That is the greatest human tragedy of all. Not illness. Not death. But having beauty right in front of your very eyes, and not seeing it.

The serenity of watching an airplane crawling across the painting-like of a sky and slowly disappearing from sight as well as the calm blue waters guiding the ships like a beacon to their shipyards is the very best antidote to the drudgery of the interminable flow of work, work and more work.

It is a Friday morning, and I am sitting in front of a computer stricken with arthritis. Like an old man who has difficulty walking up the stairs, the mechanical device fights against the burgeoning pains of growing old, struggling with each wisp of breath to upload a file, download a document.

Sometimes, it succeeds, thumping its fist high up in the air with victory and the glowing pride of triumph. Other times, it slumps dejectedly as it takes forever to upload a document or reboot the computer.

It is also a constant uphill battle with the devils of impatience within me to try to control my growing feelings of impatience at that ancient monitor. I cheer when it cheers, and I mumble and curse inwardly when I've just wasted 5 minutes sitting in front of a page that stubbornly refuses to load.

It is an old boy. This computer of mine. An outcast in the expanding portfolio of technology. It groans when it has worked a muscle too hard, but I've since grown accustomed to its snail speed, even as it remains apathetic to my pockets of annoyance.

I feel lament and perhaps on a good day, a tinge of sympathy, towards this old boy. For once it must have been a gem, a plaything for the rich, a desirable for the poor. It has since lagged behind in the rat race, faltered to a statistic in the history of computers, emerging one of the lasts in the pecking order of computers around.

Its pregnant behind has since been replaced by countless of others, each one boasting a screen flatter than the other.

Surrounded by colleagues with the latest flat-screen monitors and laptops, I am sitting here. With my old boy. On a Friday morning.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Vanessa Hudgens Nude Photo Scandal: My Personal Theory

Unless you have been living under a rock, you must surely have heard about the news on High School Musical and High School Musical 2 lead star, Vanessa Hudgens' (above) nude photo that was leaked on the internet. The nude photo was reportedly taken in private for Hudgens' boyfriend, Zac Efron.

What perfect timing to drum up publicity for High School Musical 2.

Initially, my personal take on this entire saga was that the photo was leaked on purpose because of commercial benefit. On Hudgens' part, not Disney, mind you.

It was rumoured that Disney reportedly decided to replace Vanessa Hudgens with Adrienne Bailon (above) of The Cheetah Girls' fame, in the wildly-popular mega-franchise.

And look at the time where the photos were leaked. Not sooner, not later, but when a possible High School Musical 3 was in the works. What accurate and perfect timing that the shrewd-thinking Hudgens must have come up with.

By saying that the leaked nude photo could possibly DAMAGE her career forever because Disney appeals to young, innocent kids, and Hudgens ruined her good-two-shoes image and failed to live up to the role model that kids aspire to is RIDICULOUS.

Look what a leaked sex tape did for Paris Hilton's career. It launched it. And, as far as I know, Hilton's fan base are mostly 12-year-olds who look up to Hilton because 'she's pretty' or 'she's sexy' or 'she's hot'.

Also, look what a nude photo scandal did to Vanessa William's (above) career. In 1984, Williams was stripped of her title as Miss America when photos of her posing nude and engaging in soft porn with other women emerged on the net.

Today she is an Emmy award-winning singer and actress. In case you haven't a clue who she is, she plays Wilhelmina Slater in Ugly Betty.

To further beef up my theory (yes, it's just a theory, I have no concrete proof), after the photo was leaked, people couldn't really be sure whether it was her or not. It looked like her...but it could be someone else that bears an uncanny resemblance to her.

And, guess what? Hudgens' rep actually came out to issue a statement shortly after, saying IT WAS HER. Everyone knows that reps jobs are to lie, and the 'Is it her? Or is it not?' was a perfect opportunity for her rep and Hudgens herself to deny it was her in the photo. HOW STUPIDLY OBVIOUS CAN THAT GET?

This sort of method adopted by celebrities to grab headlines are not new.

Taiwan's top model, Lin Chi Ling (above) was a relative unknown when photos of her and good friend, Jerry Yen, were leaked to the press. How were they leaked? Apparently, her phone was sent to a shop 'for repair' and the photos that were stored in her mobile were 'accidentally' leaked to the press.

A mobile phone that is of personal possession is sent to a repair company and photos leaked to the press. Of course. Did you really think that the sole reason behind Lin Chi Ling's headline news the very next day were due to her great beauty, never-ending legs and awesome modelling skills?

A leaked photo to the press. A mega-star born overnight. How interesting.

Never underestimate the 'accidental' leak of anything.

Friday, September 21, 2007

SugerBabies & their SugerDaddies

There's a disturbing online phenomenon: girls selling sex for money.

Most are quick to admit that their deep love for money is what drives them to sell their bodies.

Some would go so far as to claim that they were driven to this path of no return, because they were forced by their financial situations.

And, if they weren't immersed in such "financial difficulties" and were born a rich man's daughter, they would not even consider to be in this line.

Their "financial difficulties" mostly refer to not being able to afford that $10,000 Prada Bag or keep up with their high maintenance lifestyle, tainted with late-night partying and booze; as well as, prop up their massive shopping sprees.

Most are really young, some as young as 17.

Why then at the innocent age of 17, when one should be at her most carefree, be overshadowed by her endless material pursuits, and let it determine her self-worth?

Let's not call them prostitutes, they are worse off, because most of them get cheated of their "money". Which directly translates to having sex for free.

How can the mindset of a 17 year-old match up to the quick-witted, callous, and sly thinking of, let's say, a 45-year-old lawyer?

These girls use the internet as their tool device to track down their "cash cows" - somebody whom they can milk for all they are worth. Money and a false sense of entitlement in exchange for sex.

Some admit they are doing it as a challenge against themselves. To find out how much they are worth. They lap up the attention and lust that the men are lavishing on them.

Whether or not you agree or disagree that they are eroding the very moral fabric of our society, these girls are very much a part of our integrated society.

They do exist, just that you don't see them. They could be your next-door neighbour's daughter, your classmate, etc.

Most don't show any signs of them prostituting themselves anyway, unlike the provocative dressing of the hookers competing for business at the red district.

Would you say they are a disgrace to our nation? That's like discrimination. Most don't grow up the normal way like we do, they grow up in messy households where their parents don't remain faithful to each other. Violence is often an issue as well, leaving emotional imprints on a child's heart, which leads them to their disillusionment later in life.

So, they grow up and they are generally disillusioned about love and life. They advertise their services on websites and flirt with guys online...How much do they get paid? Not very much, at least not enough to nourish their spending habits. They spend like crazy, they NEVER have enough money to spend, and this vicious cycle just goes on and on...

Why not instead of fixing their shopping habits, don't they fix their mindset first?

Most of their shopping habits are just whimsical fancies anyway, it is more important to find peace within themselves.

Very soon, their lifestyle will catch up with them, and those brief liaisons and sexual trysts whose sole purpose is to beef up their wallet (and corrode their soul) may not seem that worthy anymore.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Make me plastic, doctor.

[English Translation below]

有一位女生 Ling
她觉得同班同学 Y 很美

可是跟 Y 成为好朋友后
就发现 Y 一直拿自己的样貌跟大明星比
觉得自己不够瘦 不够美

这样比比比 不累才怪

新世纪 新流行

“医生 ,请给我

有了新鼻子 有了新自信


, 假眉毛, 涂口红, 涂唇膏, 粉底,画眉毛,化妆,等等等。。。
Excuse me, 烫还有染头发都已经不是自然美了!



想拥有类似蔡依林在<<唇唇欲动>>里演唱:“Sexy, pretty & juicy” 般的嘴唇吗?还是


整容师等于就是他们的神,改写上帝赐给他们一张张脸孔的命运。难怪现今好莱坞的 “美女” 都是人性化的芭比娃娃,都是同一个 “形” 捏造出来的。



There was once a girl called Ling. She always thought that her classmate Y was very pretty. Compared to her, Ling felt inferior, looks-wise.

However, after becoming friends with Y,
She discovered that Y loved comparing her looks to those of celebrities.
Y thought she wasn't as thin as them,
Y thought she wasn't as pretty as them.

The non-stop comparing was sure to wear out the both of them.
Whose faces weren't as pretty as Patty Hou,
figures weren't as voluptuous as Jolin Tsai,
noses even flatter than Fann Wong's,
and boobs not as gigantic as Fiona Xie's.

This is the new millenium, which surely calls for new trends. Plastic surgery has burgeoned so liberally into our lives and taken the meaning of au natural hostage.

Feel like cutting double eye-lids?
Make a trip down to the surgeon's clinic during lunchtime break, and the person that walks out of that front door will be a whole new you.

After the operation, you stare into the mirror, and big eye peepers assaults you. But you'll be back in the surgeon's office faster than David Copperfield disappearing during a vanishing act. Somehow, you feel like those huge inky orbs should be married off to a high bridge nose.

"Doctor, please give me Ashlee Simpson's new nose."

With a whole new nose, you feel a refreshing new level of confidence. But, somehow, YOU KNOW something else is missing. How nice if those huge eyes and high nose could have an orgy with teeth as white the colour of bleach!

'Dr., I want my teeth to look like theseee.' And, you thrust a magazine at your plastic surgeon, who flips it over and finds Hilary Duff grinning back at him with her eye-blindingly, dazzling white teeth.

Au natural is quickly losing its mass appeal,
All hail the new queen in town, Miss Plastic!
Fugly looking people have some semblence of a hope under the surgeon's knife. After all, it is all about looks these days, inner beauty is the tired-old excuse for ugly-looking people.

How many women when stripped of their make-up - mascara, fake eyelashes, lipstick, foundation, moisturizer etc etc. - is still an au natural beauty? Excuse me, but re-bonding and perming is not considered natural.

To the big stars in Hollywood, going under the knife to refine and sharpen their features is as common as eating. Or maybe, even much more common than eating, considering how most stars don't eat at all. Duh.

No wonder a famous nip-tuck plastic surgeon who has helped many celebrities to fight the demon of ugliness once made this public statement:

'If you were to see them before plastic surgery, it will frighten you to death!'

Some stars simply refuse to let their face meet the acquaintance of daylight, keeping their features tightly (and safely) hidden under two millimeters thick of foundation, make-up and powder. Or, on non make-up days, glasses that threaten to overshadow their entire face (suits their purpose pretty fine), or hippie caps on bad or ungroomed hair days.

But, in case you think this epidemic disease is only prevalent among female celebs, think again.

Wu Zun was recently reported to have adamantly refused to take his cap off when he when back to his hometown to visit a religious place. In short, he would rather offend his ancestors and godfathers than risk exposing his untamed mane to the public.

The most common nip-tuck operation is perhaps, injecting collagen into the lips. The answer to "Sexy, pretty & juicy" lips as sung by Jolin Tsai in "Attraction of Sexy Lips", and Angelina Jolie's bee-stung lips, can be found in that little tube of liquified serum.

The perfect way of getting some work done on your face during your lunchtime break, as it takes less than an hour to do so. The effects aren't very lasting though, so it is recommended that the job is done once every three months. Of course, this line of operation is not only limited to your lips, as it can also be done onto your face to make you look younger.

Lose those wrinkles, and erase those imprints that the nefarious culprit, otherwise known as time, has trampled all around your face.

To tell the truth, celebrities aren't to blame as they often fall victim to peer pressure. The plastic surgeon is like their God, rewriting the tragedy that is their god-given face, and together with it, their fates. Is it any wonder then, that Hollywood female artistes are all humanised barbie dolls, all emerging from the same type of 'mould'?

Technology doesn't necessarily make, us humans any smarter.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Who says reporters can't be young?

I'm fed up.

Fed up with the look and stares people give me.

So, what is the deal here?

If I'm not a balding man with white hair and a receding hairline, or not subjecting my arms to the punishing weight of heavy, professional camera equipment, I'm a faux?

Come on, I'm none of the above.

I am a bona fide reporter.

So, the next time, PLEASE do not stop me at the door entrance just to double-check or confirm my status. You make me feel like an adult of legal age getting checked at the entrance to a bar or to an R21 movie.

I DO NOT circumvent legal rules to get to where I am. So, I would appreciate if you stop making me feel like a conniving bitch, trying to bypass certain requirements just to gate-crash an event.

I had the last straw recently, when a fan came up to me during an event. And, to put it simply, she thought that I had 'bluffed' my way through.

Trying my best to sound polite and not the least bit offended, I finally asked her, 'Why would you think I did that?'

She shrugged. 'I only thought so because you look rather young to me.'

And, if you think I feel flattered that someone thinks I look young, I'm not in the least bit. Rather, I felt that statement offensive, and dripping with disparaging innuendos.

I might consider wearing a wig the next time round.